Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Developing Countries: Priority Issues, Evidence-Based Interventions, and Policy

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08:00 - 15:45

Youngs gate 6 Oslo

Redd Barna/Save the Children Norway and Sex og Politikk/IPPF Norway is hosting a conference on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Why: There is currently little global consensus about what programs are effective in promoting adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR). In addition, ambivalence about the appropriateness of SRHR services for young people tends to become institutionalized in countries, resulting in policies that are either underfunded, contradictory or unimplemented—or with no policies at all. Finally, inequities of access often leave the needs of marginalized youth unaddressed. This one-day conference aims to assess the current state-of-the-art information and evidence on effective programming in ASRHR. It will identify key challenges, explore innovations in health promotion, and assess the policy environment.

HowVia presentations by leading researchers and practitioners, moderated panel discussions, and participant participation, the conference seeks to: 1) provide state-of-the-art technical and practical  information for NGOs working in ASRHR to aid in program planning and implementation, 2) increase knowledge of participants regarding avenues for ASRHR advocacy, and 3) continue to raise the profile of ASRHR as an important area of global public health programming and advocacy.

Who (again): Speakers include representatives from leading international SRHR organizations, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Save the Children, the Population Council, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health. (See complete program below)

To RegisterThe seminar is open to everyone and free of charge, but registration is required. Simply email your name, email address, telephone number, and institutional affiliation (if any) to Kindly insert ASRHR Conference in the subject line. No further text is necessary.


Complete Program:



08:00 – 08:15       Welcome and Introductions

08:15 – 08:45       Keynote address – Why focus on ASRHR? Why now?


Session One – Priority Areas of Concern


08:45 – 09:05       Early unintended and repeat pregnancy

09:05 – 09:25       HIV and sexually transmitted infections

09:25 – 09:45       Child marriage

09:45 – 10:30       Combined question and answer session

10:30 – 11:00       Morning Break


Session Two – Interventions that Work


11:00 – 11:20       Comprehensive Sexuality Education

11:20 – 11:40       Economic Incentives, including cash transfers

11:40 – 12:00       Quality health services, with special attention to emergency contraception and safe abortion

12:00 – 12:20       Social and Behavior Change Communication

12:20 – 13:00       Lunch

13:00 – 13:45       Combined question and answer session


Session Three – Policy and Advocacy


13:45 – 14:05       Priority policy concerns regarding ASRHR in a global context

14:05 – 14:30       Afternoon Break

14:30 – 15:30       Panel Discussion: Moving the ASRHR agenda forward in Norway and in the world

15:30 – 15:45       Closing reflections