First international conference on conscientious objection to abortion in Montevideo, Uruguay, 1 – 3 August 2017

Global experts prioritize tackling conscientious objection to abortion

Sex og Politikk recently attended the first international conference on conscientious objection to abortion in Montevideo, Uruguay, 1 – 3 August 2017.
Fifty experts from 20 countries in Africa, the Americas and Europe, gathered at the first international convening on conscientious objection to abortion have concluded that the refusal to provide legal abortion services is hurting women all over the world and must be tackled.
The meeting, co-hosted by Mujer y Salud en Uruguay (MYSU) and the International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC), featured policymakers, academics, health professionals, legal experts, and feminist activists who collectively established that objecting to the provision of voluntary abortion services on religious or moral grounds, is a chief barrier to safe abortion and endangers the lives of women.