EuroNGOs: Registration is open

In November, Sex og Politikk will be the host of the annual EuroNGOs conference. EuroNGOs is an European network working to promote universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) worldwide. The network consists of 22 organisations working with SRHR, collaborating with partners from all over the world. The main task of EuroNGOs is to convene and create networks, generating and sharing information and knowledge, strengthening skills, and promoting collective advocacy actions.

This year’s conference will take place in Oslo November 3-4, and in addition EuroNGOs will arrange a workshop November 2, and Sex og Politikk and JURK – Legal aid for women will arrange a pre-conference for youth November 1. Information regarding the workshop and the pre-conference will be published when ready.

Conference programme

Building on the successes of our three last gatherings – in Brussels (2012), Berlin (2013) and Madrid (2014) – the 2015 Conference will focus on how civil society can contribute to and work with the new post-2015 agenda as well as promote issues that have been left out or only marginally positioned, with a specific focus on sexual and reproductive rights (see concept note).

The conference will offer a space for discussion and exchange just a month after the post-2015 Summit, which represents a timely opportunity for:

  • Drawing lessons learnt from the post-2015 negotiations to refocus the SRHR community future advocacy strategies;
  • Enabling greater understanding of the obstacles and opportunities facing the advancement of SRHR in the current global policy framework;
  • Fostering enhanced exchange among likeminded partners.

How to register

Go to EuroNGOs webpage to access more information and register online here.

See registration instructions for further details.

***Make sure you register as quickly as possible: places are limited to 150 participants. No deadline is foreseen, but registrations will be processed on a first come first served basis, with no exception***

Side events and back to back meetings

As in past editions, back to back with the conference we expect a number of side events and meetings organized by members and partners as well as a strategy workshop on 2 November (a separate registration form and information will follow). Preliminary information is available on the conference webpage, but please check it regularly: it will be constantly updated!