I et åpent brev til president Trump ber lederne for de nordiske parlamentarikernettverkene for seksuell og reproduktiv helse og rettigheter i Sverige, Finland, Danmark og Norge Trump om umiddelbart å fjerne munnkurvregelen. Dette skjer på dagen tre år etter den fatale signaturen og den historiske utvidelsen av denne politikken som har ført til at unge og voksne i flere land nå står uten et helsetilbud som sikrer prevensjonsmidler, hiv-testing og trygg abort.


Open letter to President Donald Trump from Nordic Parliamentarians


Dear Mr. President, Donald Trump

We, parliamentarians from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, believe in the right of every individual to decide over their own lives, bodies and futures. All women and girls should have the information and services they need to have their right to health fulfilled, including their sexual and reproductive health and rights. The Mexico City Policy (MCP) – and the Trump administration’s expanded version of this policy – has severely violated these rights. Today – on the 3rd anniversary of your signing of this policy – we urge you, Mr. President, to repeal the policy.

The United States – the largest government funder of reproductive health in the world – has a major role to play in the global effort to eliminate maternal mortality and ill-health by preventing unsafe abortions and in supporting access to the full range of comprehensive health services. The effects of the reinstated and expanded MCP mean that critical health and life saving organisations have lost substantial funding for services that serve the most vulnerable communities. The policy is resulting in fewer service providers being able to serve communities on the ground, even in contexts where abortion is legal, and furthermore prevents collaboration between organisations and health care actors.

The effects of the MCP go beyond simply preventing access to comprehensive abortion care; the policy also limits access to a broad range of health services like; contraception, maternal health, youth friendly services, water and sanitation and HIV/AIDS prevention and care, contributing to the increased risk of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions. Moreover, international research unequivocally shows, that restrictive access to legal and safe abortion is causing a higher number of unsafe abortions, risking serious consequences to women’s health and well-being.

We are concerned about the damaging effects of the MCP on women’s lives and on the ability of health providers to deliver lifesaving services. The MCP jeopardizes the many gains we have made in the sexual and reproductive rights and justice movements, as well as all of the many investments and long term commitments that Nordic donors have made in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights for all over many years.

Mr. President: we urge you to ensure that all women and girls, youth and adults can exercise their rights to health, life and well-being. We urge you to immediately repeal the Mexico City Policy.



Sara Heikkinen Breitholtz, Swedish Social Democratic Party, on behalf of the Swedish All-Party Parliamentary Group for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (Chair)

Heidi Nordby-Lunde, Conservative party, on behalf of the Norwegian All-Party Parliamentary Group for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (Chair)

Saara Hyrkkö, Green League, on behalf of the Finish All-Party Parliamentary Group for Sexual Rights and Development (Chair)

Karen Ellemann, Liberal Party, on behalf of the Danish All-Party Parliamentary Group for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights SRHR (Chair)