Stortingets SRHR-nettverk sender brev til den polske presidenten

På vegne av Stortingets SRHR-nettverk har nettverkets leder Heidi Nordby Lunde (H) og nestleder Kari Elisabeth Kaski (SV) sendt brev til Polens president. De ber han stanse all vold mot fredelige demonstranter, og respektere polske kvinners rett til å fritt bestemme over eget liv, helse og kropp.

Sex og Politikk koordinerer Stortingets SRHR-nettverk. Nettverket består av 38 stortingsrepresentanter, og alle de politiske partiene er representert.

Brevet til Polens statsminister Duda kan leses i sin helhet her:

Concerns over decision of Constitutional Tribunal which violates human rights

Dear President Duda,

We, the undersigned leaders of the Norwegian all-party parliamentary group for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights – would like to express our deep concerns regarding the recent developments in Poland.

On 22 October 2020, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal ruled that access to abortion care on the grounds of “severe and irreversible foetal defect or incurable illness that threatens the foetus’ life” is unconstitutional. The ruling is a near ban on abortion. If the decision is given legal effect it will result in additional and severe restrictions on women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights, with devastating impacts on the lives of adolescent girls and women. The best way to prevent unsafe and dangerous abortions is to make safe abortions legal and accessible. Further, the decision is in violation of Poland’s international human rights obligations.

The Tribunal decision has been followed by protests in many parts of Poland. We are concerned that peaceful protests are being met with excessive force and violence and that law enforcement officials fail to protect peaceful protesters from violence by other civilians. This is contrary to standards set out in international human rights law and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which guarantee the right to peaceful assembly.

President Duda, we urge you to:

  • Put an immediate stop to the excessive force and violence against peaceful protesters.
  • Ensure respect for the fundamental rights of all Polish women and adolescent girls to make their own decisions regarding their own lives, health and bodies.

Yours sincerely,

On behalf of the Norwegian APPG on SRHR:

Heidi Nordby Lunde, chairwoman (The Conservative Party)

Kari Elisabeth Kaski, vice chairwoman (The Socialist Left Party)


Foto: Spacerowiczka