Seminar: Urbefolkning, kjønn og seksualitet: forskjellige områder, felles grunn? Erfaringer fra Namibia og Norden

Sex og Politikk and LLH – The Norwegian Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Organisation are pleased to invite you to a seminar on Indigenous peoples, gender and sexuality: Different spaces, a common ground?

Tuesday, 8 September 2015, 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Litteraturhuset, Nedjma

What are the spaces of freedom and oppression of sexual and gender minorities within indigenous communities – and what are the commonalities and differences between the North and the South? How has tradition, modernity, imperialism and resilience shaped sexualities and identities, and which rights are we fighting for? Representatives from queer indigenous social organisations from Namibia and Sápmi discuss identity formation and the opportunities and challenges for activism in their communities.


  • Bård Nylund, President, LLH – The Norwegian Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Organisation


  • Irene //Garoës, Project assistant, WLC-Namibia – Women Ledership Centre Namibia
  • Stina Roos, Vice-chair, Queer Sámit
  • Eva Maria Fjellheim, Programme advisor, Colombia and Nicaragua, SAIH – Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund


  • Tor-Hugne Olsen, Executive Director, Sex og Politikk

The seminar will be followed by a discussion and questions from the audience.

The event is open to everyone.

For questions please contact Nina Thomson Bakke